A guide for using our resources

Children will sequence the steps of making a totem pole.

Vocabulary: tallar, tótem, tradición

Social Studies Focus: Native American Heritage Month

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: 68 voces para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Nativa Americana

  • 68 voces is a series of short stories created by Gabriela Badillo with a grant from the Mexican government's Arts and Culture National Fund.
  • These artistic short fi lms told in their original indigenous language tell fascinating Mexican indigenous leyends.
  • These stories teach lessons on friendship, respect and love for the Earth, and you can also download a picture book for your students.
  • Go to https://68voces.mx/projects

Scavenger Hunt: Palabras de secuencia

  • Hunt for and circle these sequence words in the issue: primero, entonces, después, and por último. Explain that these words tell the order in which things happen.

Shared Writing: Lo que aprendimos

  • On chart paper, write this question: ¿Qué aprendiste sobre cómo se hacen los tótems?
  • Ask the question and record children’s responses. When you come to a beginning letter or even a short word children might know, stop and invite the child to come up and write that letter or word on their own.

Hands-on Activity: Nuestra tradición familiar

Skill: oral language, drawing

Materials: Nuestra tradición familiar skill sheet, crayons

  • Kids can learn more about their own family traditions with this take-home activity. Pass out the skill sheets. Tell kids they will work on it with any older person in their family or who lives with them.
  • Parents can answer each question on the sheet as they talk about it with their child. Then children can draw a picture of their tradition.
  • Have children bring the skill sheets back to class. Display them on a wall or bulletin board to celebrate all the different traditions in your classroom!