A guide for using our resources

Children will evaluate what it’s like to work at a post office in Antarctica.

Vocabulary: Antártida, colonia, postales, turistas

Science Focus: polar regions

Social Studies Focus: jobs

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Un día en la Antártida by Ella Bailey

  • This book follows a penguin chick during a day in his frozen habitat in Antarctica.
  • He will meet all kinds of different animals like birds, fish and mammals.

Shared Writing: Un día en la oficina de correos de los pingüinos

  • As a class, write a journal entry about a day working in the penguin post office! Invite kids to include details such as what clothes they would put on for work, what they would do on the job, and what they would see outside.
  • Invite children to come up and write any words they may know.

Take a Vote: ¿Querrías tener este trabajo?

  • Discuss the pros and cons of working at the penguin post office, using the issue as a guide. Then take the online vote! You can also check out the poll results of all our readers.

Hands-on Activity: ¡Envía una postal!

Skill: writing and drawing

Materials: ¡Envía una postal! skill sheet, pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, glue

  • Invite kids to pretend they went to Antarctica and have them send a postcard! To make the postcards, cut the sheet on the dotted line and fold together on the solid line. Glue the insides together so you have a card that can be flipped over.
  • On the front, invite kids to draw a scene of Antarctica. It can be of animals, the post office, or themselves in the icy landscape.
  • On the other side, have kids fill in the blanks to complete the card. On the first line, they can write words such as divertido, helado, muy bien, and frío. Possible words for the second line might be nieve, pingüinos, and hielo. On the third line they might write words such as frío, feliz, or even nervioso!
  • Let children give their postcards to the recipient they choose!