Materials: “Plantilla de títere de mamá pata”, “Plantilla de títeres de patitos”, crayons or markers, scissors, craft sticks, tape or glue
- Split children into small groups. Give each group one set of template, scissors, and markers or crayons. Kids can work together to cut out and color the mama duck and ducklings.
- Next, tape or glue the mama duck and ducklings to craft sticks to make puppets. For the duckling puppets, kids can write the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the craft sticks.
- Let each child in each group take a puppet. Then recite the poem below as groups act it out!
Cinco patitos tiene la pata,
cinco patitos en el lago de plata,
a cinco abrigó, con los cinco nadó
y a todos los cinco cariño les dio.